Sunday 24 August 2014

Sticky Date "nana ice cream"

Oh boy, do I love sticky date. So.much.yum. Dates really are just too delicious to even try to explain. I'm sure (or hope) you agree. Combined with maca… flavour sensation. Combined with bananas… even better. Unf.

So here is my recipe for a dish that combines all three rather nicely, if I do say so myself.

Pictured: Sticky date nana ice cream, topped with raspberries, fresh banana, Loving Earth Chocolate Buckinis, JT's Coconut Essence Coconut Chips, vegan "ice magic" hardening chocolate sauce (recipe in recipe index) and chunks of Square Bar! 

7-8 frozen bananas, frozen at least over night 
Almond milk, a few splashes (just enough to blend) 
A few chopped dates 
Maca powder (optional, but recommend. I recommend this one

Chop dates into small chunks, and add to blender with maca powder (if using, as much as you like really!). Then, add your frozen bananas (broken into chunks so you don't break your blades) and a splash or so of almond milk (you can add more during blending process if required) and blend until all combined in a smooth ice cream consistency. 

Place in a bowl, and top with your desired toppings (the more the better if you ask me hehe). 
You can use as many or as little bananas as you like, I personally enjoy a large bowl of the stuff because it's so damn tasty, but live your life poppets :) 

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