Tuesday 9 September 2014

Gluten free RAWnola (inspired by Loni Jane)

Guys this is so tasty and so simple to make and so wholesome. Get. on. the. LJ. Rawnola. Train. No stops, end destination of deliciousness.

Recipe adapted from Loni Jane 

1/2 cup quinoa flakes 
7-8 dates, pitted 
1/2 cup coconut, shredded 
Cinnamon, optional (but recommended) 

Place all things in blender. 
When combined in a luscious crumble, remove from blender. And try not to eat it all at once. 

But if you did there would be no shame in it because SO GOOD. ;)


  1. I really don't like coconut...is there anything that I could use in place of it? (I am also gluten free.) Also, would there be anyway to make this granola without a blender? Thanks! :)

  2. Hey there Chloe! Well I don't know… coconut really is one of the things that binds and flavours it. I guess you could make it out of just dates and flakes? You could add some cacao to it? For a bit more flavour. And um… no you really do need a blender or food processor for this one :( sorry xxxx
